Feeling unheard?
CertifHy is committed to upholding fairness and integrity. The procedure allows stakeholders, including economic operators, certification bodies, whistleblowers, and general stakeholders (e.g., NGOs, consumers), to formally raise concerns about the CertifHy Schemes, Certification Bodies, or Economic Operators involved in the schemes. It ensures a fair, impartial, and timely resolution to these concerns.
What can you bring to our attention?
Complaints: If a CertifHy decision or action goes against the scheme’s rules. (e.g., Certification Body not following procedures)
Grievances: If you have a concern about a Certification Body, Economic Operator, or the CertifHy Scheme itself. (e.g., unfair treatment, potential rule violation)
Appeals: If you disagree with the outcome of your grievance.
How to Submit a Grievance or an Appeal:
- Submit your complaint online (details & supporting evidence required).
- Whistleblowers? Use the dedicated whistleblower form (confidentiality protected).
What happens next?

Parties are allowed to appeal on the outcome within 30 days.
Learn more:
Full Grievance & Appeal Procedure
We value your feedback.
By using this Grievance & Appeal Procedure, you are contributing to maintaining the integrity and reliability of the CertifHy Schemes.