CertifHy supports the sustainable production and hydrogen for various applications, including energy, transportation, chemical conversion, heating, and power generation.




CertifHy schemes grant a tradable value to renewable and non-renewable hydrogen. We closely review all information to ensure that certificates are reliable, accurate, and verifiable.  


Future-proof your RFNBO facility. Precertification streamlines certification & avoids costly last-minute changes. Learn more & gain a strategic advantage.


CertifHy Academy: Interactive training for Hydrogen & E-fuels Certification. Get certified & advance your career.


The Stakeholder Platform unites industry leaders to co-create CertifHy and its leading hydrogen certification schemes. Gain access to exclusive content, influence standards, network with peers, and drive the future of clean hydrogen.


CertifHy’s™ mission is to advance and facilitate the production, procurement and use of non-renewable, renewable and low carbon hydrogen, fulfilling ambitious environmental criteria as well as decarbonization objectives, in order to protect the climate and improve living conditions.

CertifHy™ has submitted its RFNBO Voluntary Scheme for recognition by the European Commission

CertifHy™ has submitted its RFNBO Voluntary Scheme for recognition by the European Commission

CertifHy™ has submitted its RFNBO Voluntary Scheme for recognition by the European Commission

CertifHy™ has submitted its RFNBO Voluntary Scheme for recognition by the European Commission

CertifHy™ has submitted its RFNBO Voluntary Scheme for recognition by the European Commission

CertifHy™ has submitted its RFNBO Voluntary Scheme for recognition by the European Commission

CertifHy™ has submitted its RFNBO Voluntary Scheme for recognition by the European Commission

CertifHy™ has submitted its RFNBO Voluntary Scheme for recognition by the European Commission

CertifHy™ has submitted its RFNBO Voluntary Scheme for recognition by the European Commission

Brussels, 22nd March 2023 – On March 1st, 2023, CertifHy™ submitted its RFNBO EU Voluntary Scheme documents for approval by the European Commission. By seeking this approval, CertifHy™ aims to translate the EU legislative framework on Renewable Fuels of Non-Biological Origin (RFNBO) and enable the uptake of hydrogen and synthetic renewable fuels in the transport sector.

Upon approval by the European Commission, certificates issued under CertifHy™’s RFNBO EU Voluntary Scheme will be an essential tool for economic operators willing to prove that hydrogen and hydrogen derivatives have been produced in compliance with EU RED2 and RED2 Delegated Acts criteria. The subsequent certificates and proof of sustainability documents will be used to prove compliance with the European Commission’s target of 14% of renewables in the transport sector.

In addition to regulatory compliance matters, economic operators across the value chain will benefit from CertifHy™’s longstanding expertise in hydrogen certification. They will join a strong community of experts, producers, traders, processors and users who are all contributing to the development of the certification systems. They will have access to a platform to help them with all certification steps, from registration to the claim of renewable hydrogen and e-fuels’ premium value.

Moreover, CertifHy™ is looking to accelerate the development of RFNBO projects by running RFNBO certification pilots. The pilots are executed in collaboration with a Certification Body recognized by CertifHy™ and are relevant for plants producing RFNBO & derivatives within Europe or outside Europe for the European import market and at different stages of maturity.

“With this new major milestone for CertifHy™, we are rapidly progressing toward our ambition of becoming a major pure player in the field of hydrogen and e-fuels certification. We are looking forward to continuing to work closely with our partners, clients and stakeholders to fasten the implementation of a clean hydrogen economy and maximize the role of hydrogen in the energy transition”, said Matthieu Boisson, CertifHy’s project coordinator.


About CertifHy™

CertifHy™ has been initiated at the request of the European Commission and is financed by the Clean Hydrogen Partnership and its predecessors since 2014. CertifHy™ is conducted by the CertifHy™ Consortium, which is led by HINICIO and composed of GREXEL, Ludwig-Bölkow-Systemtechnik (LBST), AIB (Association of Issuing Bodies), CEA (Commissariat à l’énergie atomique et aux énergies alternatives) and TÜV SÜD. 



For more information, please contact us:


+32 2 211 34 11




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