CertifHy Stakeholder Platform
What is the Stakeholder Platform?
The Stakeholder Platform is the highest decision-making body of CertifHy™. All CertifHy™ Members are members of the Stakeholder Platform. The CertifHy Stakeholder Platform holds plenary sessions at least once per calendar year. Each member has voting rights.
Since 2014, CertifHy™ and our diverse membership base, representative of the whole hydrogen and derivatives’ value chain, have and continue to come together to share knowledge and expertise related to the certification of renewable hydrogen, e-fuels, and derivatives.
From producers and processors to users and logistic operators, our members are paving the way for a low-carbon economy by participating in CertifHy™ Stakeholder Platform activities. It has functioned as a forum for discussion and as a channel through which CertifHy™ schemes have been shaped.
The Stakeholder Platform® application is open to all interested parties that represent organizations (or observers) involved in the hydrogen and derivatives value chain.
What are our activities ?
Stakeholder Platform activities revolve around the operation of its Working Groups and other events dedicated to providing input on the sector’s evolution and its impact on certification.
The current Working Program for the year 2024 is presented below :
Interested in becoming a Member and joining one of our Working Groups?
Why join us?
Gain and share valuable insights on critical topics shaping the future of hydrogen and derivatives certification.
Influence the development of CertifHy™ certification schemes through active participation in our organizational governance.
Navigate the certification landscape with ease, with support from our team’s expert guidance in the hydrogen and e-fuels sector.
Enjoy exclusive access to a range of content, including events, conferences, and meetups.
Engage in a cooperative ecosystem featuring premier events and networking opportunities and forge meaningful business relationships by connecting with prominent industry leaders.
Membership Fees
We recommend seeking membership at the highest group level for optimal representation and utilization of membership benefits.
CertifHy membership is fee-based. All for-profit companies seeking participation pay full fees, while not-for-profit organizations (excluding Industry Associations), governmental organizations, and research institutions pay a discounted fee.
On top of providing access to exclusive events, trainings, and working groups, the CertifHy™ membership carries a discount on volume fees when using any of the CertifHy™ certification schemes.
Fees in 2024
All companies …………….…………………………………………………………….……………………………..………………. 2 500 €
Non-for-profit Organizations (exc. Industry Associations), Governmental Organizations, Research ………………………………………………..…………………………………………………………………………………………. 1 000 €
The Stakeholder Platform is composed of organisations represented by individual members (+800 early March 2019) interested in renewable and/or low carbon hydrogen certification (CertifHy™ Certificates) in Europe who have voluntarily adhered to the platform. It is open to all interested stakeholders that represent companies and are based in EU (or they are observers). The Stakeholder Platform act as a governance framework.
The Stakeholder Platform has also brought together a large number and wide range of stakeholders that have allowed for stakeholder views and interests to be considered in the elaboration of the CertifHy™ Scheme. It has functioned as a forum for discussion and as a channel through which CertifHy™ has been shaped.